Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Common gorse is a perennial, woody, evergreen shrub that can grow up to 10’ tall. It has bright-yellow, pea-like flowers that bloom from April to July, forming hairy ½”–1” pea-like seedpods. Gorse is distinct from brooms as it has a dense covering of singular, spine-like leaves. Gorse contains volatile oils that are highly flammable, making it a hazard in fire-prone areas. Found along the Mendocino Coast, especially in the Caspar region.
Size: up to 10’ tall and 30’ wide
Stem: hairy stems with ½” spines at the base of leaves
Foliage: evergreen, singular leaflets, approximately ½” long, stiff or spiny
Flowers: bright-yellow pea-like flowers, 1–2 per cluster, blooms April–July
Fruit: densely hairy pea-like seedpods ½”–1” long
Learn more about gorse from the California Invasive Plant Council