Defensible Space Assistance For Income-Eligible seniors and persons with disabilities (DSAFIE Program)

Defensible-space work required by the State of California protects homes and lives in wildfire-prone areas.

If you need help clearing brush and other vegetation around your home, and if you are low-income and a senior or person with physical limitations that make you unable to do the work yourself, you can sign up here to apply for free defensible-space assistance.

DSAFIE (our Defensible Space Assistance for Income-Eligible Program) helps low-income seniors and persons with physical limitations adhere to defensible space requirements designed to protect homes and lives in wildfire-prone areas. If you are physically and financially unable to maintain the state-mandated 100’ of defensible space around your home, the DSAFIE program can provide FREE help.


Due to limited staffing, it may take a couple of weeks to receive confirmation of your application, but we will endeavor to answer all phone messages as soon as we can.

DSAFIE services may include:

  • Trimming/thinning brush and trees.

  • Cutting tall weeds.

  • Cleaning roof and gutters.

  • Raking dead leaves and debris.

  • Chipping branches that are cut. (Unless hauling is arranged beforehand, chips will be left onsite.)

  • Work performed by insured contractors.


  • You must be 65 years or older, or unable to do this work due to temporary or permanent physical limitations.

  • You must be financially unable to hire a contractor.

  • You must be the legal owner of the property to be cleared, or the party legally responsible for landscape maintenance.

  • You will need to sign an agreement giving permission for our crew to work on your property and acknowledging the limits of the service we can provide.

This service is supported by the County of Mendocino through allocation of PG&E disaster-relief settlement funds. The Mendocino County Fire Safe Council is not legally affiliated with the County of Mendocino.

Learn more about our DSAFIE program through this engaging Story Map!

Work Agreements

A copy of the work agreement is available to download as a PDF or Word document. We will need a signed copy before our crew can begin working on your defensible space.  You can sign and return it to us at or provide it to the crew when they arrive.