Organize a Chipper Day

Create better defensible space around homes in your neighborhood

Community Chipper Days are FREE and allow neighborhood residents to create and maintain defensible space around their homes, and along roadsides necessary for ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood.

How it works:

  • You can schedule a Chipper Day as a neighborhood, or join our waitlist as an individual. If individually, others in your area will have to sign up too; we require a minimum of 10 (max 20) compliant piles per Chipper Day.

  • MCFSC will send a crew to come and chip the piles FREE! Services are available year-round.

  • Build MCFSC-compliant chipper piles, ideally just before the Chipper Day (see guidelines listed below, or download the Guidelines pdf). Please DO NOT make any piles before you have a confirmed reservation.

  • Hauling chips off-site is usually not possible; we may only be able to provide chipping if we can broadcast or pile chips on the spot or at a prearranged nearby location. Please tell us at the time you sign up if you cannot accept chips on-site.

Chipper Day coordinators must:

  1.  Make a list of all participants

  2.  Sign up on our waitlist, or simply contact our office to set a date at (707) 462-3662 or

  3.  Make sure all participants know the rules for making chipper piles

  4.  We need to know the exact number of piles. They must be about 5’ x 5’x 10′ in size, so that our crew can plan how much time will be needed

  5.  Tell us any other necessary information such as gate codes, best routes to take, any accessibility issues for large equipment, etc.

Call us for more information: 707-462-3662.

Join the Waitlist

Sign up to let us know you would like to be included in a future Chipper Day in your area. Then get your neighbors to sign up until there are enough to schedule a Chipper Day.

Download the Guidelines

Read and print our Chipper Day guidelines to make sure your piles are in compliance and ready for our crews to chip.

Chipper Day Schedules

Current Schedule

Call 707-462-3662 to schedule a Chipper Day in your neighborhood.

  • TBD

Regular Chipper Days

To qualify, your area must be registered with MCFSC and cover a minimum of 5 properties with 10 piles minimum (20 max) per Chipper Day. Call to set up your NFSC or Firewise community to schedule regular chipping.

  • 1st Monday of each month: Ridgewood FSC

  • 2nd Monday of each month: Sherwood FSC

  • 4th Thursday of each month: Navarro FSC

Funding for this program is currently provided by the State Coastal Conservancy and the County of Mendocino.

Download the Flyer

Post the flyer in your neighborhood. The more neighbors sign up, the more likely you will get a Chipper Day scheduled on your road soon.